okay, how funny is this cartoon?! reminds me of a drawing one of my kindergarteners would do. yep, i told my students this week. they are officially the last to know because thank god they are not on facebook.
i prefaced telling the kids with a memo home to their parents the night before, sharing my good news and how their inquisitive darlings may have some questions and how it would be better if they answered them asap. the very next day, literally as i'm walking out the door for my lunch break, one of the says "mrs. lahara, my mommy said you have a baby in your belly, is that true?" i pulled a "we'll talk about it when i get back" so i could eat lunch and prepare myself to tell them and field an array of questions.
luckily i saved the lemon i used for my 14 week belly picture, and so i used that as my talking point. i explained i had a tiny baby growing inside my baby the size of a lemon that was coming in september. i held my breath expecting the worst, but was surprised by the sweet and intelligent questions and concerns from my class.
the best include...
"is the baby peeing in your belly?"
"you need to eat healthy, whatever you eat, the baby eats through a rope"
"your baby belly looks bigger today, maybe it's an orange?"
"if you're a mommy now, does that mean you are an old lady?"
"can you name your baby krystal or jewel please?"
"don't worry, us boys will protect your belly from hitting and kicking this summer"
"can i still give you a hug every day, and then give the baby belly a nice pat?"
"my daddy says it will hurt you a lot to have a baby"
"how many years will you have to live at the hospital to have it?"
they are so smart and amazing, i have the best job ever. i can't wait til peanut is kindergarten age, i'll want to write down every funny thing he/she says.
what i didn't expect was some of the dads' reactions to my news (my private school has the parents drop the kids off every day into their classroom.) i had 2 dads (who came in separately) that said "congratulations. it's the best thing. EVER." to hear how much these dads love their little girls and not joke around with a "your life is over" was so touching.
i'm sure i'll have many more funny baby belly updates from my class even though we're winding down to the last month of school!