all i kept thinking last sunday was "why am i suddenly craving a burger and cheese fries like my life depends on it" and "how come i can smell like a blood hound?" these few odd circumstances led me take the infamous test on a whim. no way it could be positive, right? might as well calm my nerves so i could stop doing the thing every girl does every month, freaking out that they are preggo.
you don't want to mess around with the + and - test. once some lines show up you freak out "omg what does 2 lines and a vertical pink line mean?!" i got the clear, no BS ones. so when it flashed back at me and said "pregnant," it was a crystal clear realization. my face got hot, i was shaking and sweating, and literally said "" to my collection of necklaces in the bathroom.
i knew this wasn't something i could hold from jay and think of a creative way to tell him in a few days. i tell him everything, and i wanted him in on the news asap. jay was "sharking" our floors downstairs, i sneakily wrapped the tests and approached him downstairs. he was mad i was all over the wet floors but i unplugged the shark after some protesting and forced him to sit down. he said "i'm sharking the floors, what could possibly be more important than finishing that right now?" i tried not to burst out laughing and just said calmly said "i guarantee this is more important." as he opened it, i have never seen a human being's eyes bug out more in my life. it was just about the goofiest expression i've seen on his face, bugged out eyes and a smile that could have wrapped around his head. a lot of hugging and "oh my gods" happened in the few minutes after.
i hope this blog of our experience helps me to capture moments like these, in such detail so that i won't let this amazing journey pass without documenting it. there have already been so many thoughts racing through my brain and researching done this week that i need to post one at a time!
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